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Embarc TM Members - New User Guidance

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Embarc TM Members - New User Guidance

Embarc™ Members should have received a communication by email providing an exclusive link for online access.  For security purposes the link in that communication is only available for 72 hours.  
In the event that action was not taken within the stated 72 hours, a new link to reset your password can be requested following the steps below.

Firstly, as an Embarc™ member your Username has been predefined as your membership account number in the format of X-XXXXXXXX – please use all digits and characters.  

Reset Password:
A Password can be reset by clicking 'Forgot Password?' in the Member Login Support menu options.  From there enter your Username (your membership account number) and email address (this must correspond with the email registered on your account) as indicated and select ‘Submit’.  A password reset link will be sent to all email address(es) registered on your membership account.  At this point, the screen will confirm this action has been taken and at the same time state the respective email address(es) being used for this purpose.  For added security, this reset password link will only be valid for 24 hours.

When you receive the Password Reset email, click the link provided entitled ‘Click here to reset your password’.  This link will return you to the Member Login page.  At this point please enter your membership account number as your Username and enter your chosen new password which will provide you with secure access to your online account (see below advice with regards selecting appropriate password).   Select ‘Save Password’.

To complete full registration it will prompt you to verify your contact information along with lifestyle interests and any accessibility requirements you may wish to advise us of.  Once completing these sections you will be directed to the Member Area and start using the online facilities.

Some good password practices and advice
One of our main priorities is to ensure members’ details are secure and protected.  When registering we would encourage you to choose a strong password that will be hard to work out or 'crack'.   Our advice and guidelines for securely logging into EmbarcResorts.com are as follows:  
When registering log in details and creating a password:
•    Contain 1 or more numbers
•    Contain 1 or more letters
•    A password should be 8 or more characters long
•    Use a mix of numbers, letters
•    Avoid dictionary words or names
•    Refrain from using common mis-spellings of dictionary words (including replacing a letter "l" with the number "1" etc)  
•    Refrain from using any personal words/names as held on your account ie your name or any name associated with your account, house number/name, street, city, etc  
We would discourage:
•    providing your password to anyone
•    using the same password for multiple systems
•    storing your password in a browser or application
•    sending your password in reply to an email
•    clicking links or attachments in emails unless you know the sender and you were expecting the message
•    having your username the same as your password and vice versa
Please remember that your password is like your signature; giving it to other people is like providing them with the authority to sign your name and implies that whatever they do has your approval.

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Last Modified:Friday, January 6, 2017

Type: FAQ

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